Thursday, September 8, 2011

Communing With God

In reading The Shadow of the Galilean by Gerd Theissen, I came across a description of the Temple in Jerusalem during the time of Jesus. Although I knew these facts, they had never struck me this way before.

The outer court is called the court of the Gentiles. All may enter there. We have many relationships in life and the vast majority of them reside here in the court of the Gentiles. People we see at work, school, in the community, at the gas station, or a restaurant. People whose faces we know, yet may not know their names or much else other than their appearance.

Next is the inner Temple precinct, as Theissen calls it. Only Jews may enter there. In our life, we have friends we know from our every day activities. We know their names, a little about their background, and share a common purpose. I think of this like my church. I know something about the people there. I share a common purpose and background with them. I was once lost, but now I am a follower of Jesus Christ. Most at church have had a similar experience. Just like the court of the Jews at the Temple where they were bound by their allegiance to the one true God.

Then we have the Temple proper where only the priests may enter. These are my close friends. The ones I confide in and turn to in times of need. The ones I have done spiritual warfare with and struggled through difficulties with. I know what they are made of and know that, just as I have their back, they have mine. Only these people get to see my "bad" side. The side that most people never know of or see. They hear my struggles with sin and the thoughts and desires of my heart.

Finally, there is the Holy of Holies. Only the High Priest may enter there. I am my high priest. I alone enter and stand before God daily to give an account of my life. No one can enter in with me. None can stand there to accuse me. None can stand there to defend me. I am open and naked before God. Only here do I open myself up completely, because to do otherwise would be to lie to myself. Here is where I come to make my confession daily that I am a sinner in need of a savior. Daily do I claim the name of Christ as the one who has redeemed from the pit of Hell and penalty of sin. Daily I stand and praise God for what He has done in my life. Only He has been the one with me when times were the darkest. Only He has been the one to give me comfort in my hour of deepest need. Only He has lifted me up beyond where words can express. Only He can give me what I need. Hope.

Where are you in your communing with God? Are you standing in the court of the Gentiles? Aloof from God and unable to come into His presence? Are you standing in the court of the Jews? You are religious, yet there is still a separation between you and God that you cannot seem to repair. Are you a priest who serves in the Temple proper? You go to church, tithe, sing in the choir, lead on committees, and serve the community, yet you haven't made the commitment necessary to come into His presence. Do you stand in the Holy of Holies? You give thanks and praise to God daily for your salvation. You intercede on behalf of your friends and family on the outside who cannot come in to the sanctuary with you. Alone you stand before God with no one at your side.

This is a somber picture of the responsibility we have before God. Each of us will give an account to God on judgement day. There will be no one beside you to comfort or support you. Indeed no one can, for God will look you in the eye one on one and ask, "What did you do with my Son whom I sent on your behalf?" On that day no excuse can assuage nor blame laid at the feet of others. You alone will stand and you alone will give an account of your life. Where will He find you?

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