Let's just be honest. I'm a whiner. I complain a lot. I have discovered recently that I am full of frustration and bitterness and anger. Well, I say discovered, but I already knew it. Maybe I just did not like to acknowledge it and move forward. Yet for me, I am a venter. I have to vent my anger and frustrations to clear the emotions (hopefully) and see clearer how to handle a problem. This can be difficult when you do not have many people close enough to you to listen and understand that you are just venting. I need a person to be a sounding board and possibly to give feedback on if what I am thinking makes any sense. I believe that when we get full of emotions, either good or bad, we lose perception and good judgment. This often leads to bad decisions. These are some of the things that ran through my mind as I read Psalms 32:3 (NKJV) "When I
kept silent, my bones grew old through my groaning all the day long."
I find it amazing how keeping pent up emotions eat at your health physically. We can eat all sorts of "bad" foods, yet I believe that stress is more of a health concern than hamburgers. I have been heavy most of my life. I started gaining weight after I had my tonsils removed when I was six. Besides the weight, I am just a big guy. I was bigger then my dad by the 7th grade. Despite my size, I do not have high cholesterol or high blood pressure. However, when my body undergoes stressful situations, such as a semester at school where I am consumed by schoolwork, I can feel the stress vacate my body at the end of the semester through fatigue, not feeling well, and aches and pains. It is like my body undergoes a decompression of sorts.
In the verses that follow verse three, David talks about his sin. The weight of unconfessed sin can cause your body to undergo some serious stress. This is what David was talking about. he kept silent. He did not want to confess his sin. Yet when he confessed he felt the relief of forgiveness. Psalms 32:5 (NKJV) "I
acknowledged my sin to You, And my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, 'I will
confess my transgressions to the LORD, ' And You forgave the iniquity of my sin.
Selah." Sometimes just being able to talk to someone and getting things off your chest can be the best medicine for you. I was angry and frustrated and I asked God why and He showed me. Am I better than I was before? In my situation, no. But I understand what I am going through and am better able to cope with it. This is where faith comes into play. I must trust God to handle my problems in his time. When I truly learn to do that, I hope to be stress free.
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