Thursday, November 11, 2010

Eyes to See

In speaking with a classmate today, she was relaying her concern about the church while dealing with those in need. She has recently lost a grandparent and rather than comfort people would offer euphemisms hoping to ease her grief. "There is truth in euphemisms, but it doesn't help me much when my foundation is shaking and I need something to stand on. The church does a great disservice trying to give wisdom instead of comfort in the midst of crisis." Her words ring very true. Often when people are grieving or in a crisis most of us do not know exactly what to say. We fumble for words as we stumble in seeking to help people through their difficulty.

May I suggest that the church needs to be The Church when someone is in need. What do I mean? Above all things Christ has called the church to love one another. When people are suffering through difficult times, words often avail little. Action is needed: this is being The Church. 1 John 3:18 says, Love not in word only, but in deed and in truth. To love someone at any time requires action, but more so when someone is grieving or struggling. Galatians 6:2 says that we should bear one another's burdens. This passage is speaking of a brother overtaken in a fault, but also applies when someone has a burden of grief.

Our tongues often get is into trouble even when attempting to do the right thing. Let us live by the old adage: Actions speak louder than words. When dealing with loss of any kind whether it be a job, marriage, or loved one, let us pitch in and help with everyday life. I heard a story which can illustrate this perfectly. A senior saint came to a friend's house one day after the family had lost a loved one. She offered few words, but came in and began to wash the dishes. This is the kind of example the church needs. We need to look the grieving in the eye and ask what do YOU need? Other times we need not ask, but do the things we see need to be done.

These actions convey the fact that the one grieving isn't alone. That we stand with them in their time of need. It also relieves them of the needs of everyday life, such as dishes, food, washing clothes, caring for children. All these things people will remember more than the words said. Why? Because it is love in action. What is needed is your shoulder (to cry on), your hands (to hold), your arms (to hug them), your feet (to carry them). The last thing needed is your tongue. Why is this more powerful? Because it is what God did. He gave us an example. God could have stayed in Heaven and proclaimed I love you, but His words weren't needed. He veiled the glory of heaven in a robe of flesh, and we mocked Him, spat on Him, beat Him, and crucified Him. Why? Because my sin debt needed to be paid, and He alone could foot the bill. It was His action that saved me. It was His love that propelled Him. May the love of Christ propel us to serve our brethren in times of need.

May God give us eyes to see their need, a heart that cares, and feet to carry us to their side.

1 comment:

  1. In a word...................Incarnation!

    Great article!


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