If you want to know what you value most look at your checkbook and your schedule. We all have different things we value in life, and we invest our time, talent, and abilities in those things. May I suggest that you may be wasting your resources. Would you like to invest in something that has a long lasting value and a great return on your investment? We all would. What is this investment I speak of? I am glad you asked.
Let me explain this investment opportunity to you. First, this investment will require a large amount of equity, in other words you need to have something to give. This investment isn't for those who are weak-hearted, weak willed, and those who lack character. It will test your patience, try your integrity, and strain other areas of your life to a breaking point. Other people may misunderstand you and talk of you negatively, but you must maintain the course for this investment to pay off. There are very few people who have this great of an opportunity, but I see in you someone who has the potential to follow through on this commitment. Are you still with me? Have I frightened you off yet? Ok, wonderful, you are still here.
Not only will this investment cost you some equity, but it can also be a big consumer of your time. Sometimes you may be able to spend just a few minutes checking on your investment, but other times you may have to spend a substantial amount of time. This investment can be volatile with many ups and downs. The pressures which cause these drastic changes often go unseen, but a careful investor who keeps track may be able to see trouble coming and redirect their investment away from trouble. Are you still here? Good, let's proceed.
Unfortunately, this investment can cause health trouble, both physical and mental, and may at some point possibly cost you your life. I know, I know, there aren't many investments which are worth your life, but I assure you this one is. You can trust me, I promise. So, what exactly is this grand investment? Get to the point you say? Okay. Okay.
The grand investment lies all around you. It is something common you interact with everyday. It is the people God has placed in your life. They can break your heart. They can cost you everything you own. They can cause you to lose sleep, grow ulcers, and pace the floor. But in the end, investing your life in other people is truly the only thing that can go with you into the life that is to come. Besides the eternal aspect of relationships, investing in another person can cause the course of history to change. Investing in another person can also change the course of one's history. It is worth your time, your equity, your life. How can I say this in certainty? Because Jesus invested His all in me.
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