Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Learning From Kids

Kids have it right! I have written on this blog about the importance of relationships, but last night I got even more proof of how important relationships are to people.

I had 6 or 7 kids, and as one table had a lot of stuff on it, I went and got another table for them to setup a board game on. I helped them setup the game, which didn't last long as is common with kids. After a few minutes though, I noticed that all of the kids at the other table had migrated over to the new table. One little girl who was very shy at first and would not tell me her name got a coloring sheet and moved over to the new table. With all of the other kids around, yet she wanted me to color with her. She didn't mean for me to get a page and sit down and color my paper, but she wanted me to help her color her paper.

I listen as they meet each other and find areas of common interests whether it be how old they are, or where they go to school, or what they like to do. We seek to find common ground with those around us and find a reason to spend time with someone. We seem to want to find ways to not be alone in this world. We need other people.

It doesn't matter to the kid if we have a Wii, games, coloring sheets, or many other things, but they want me, as the one they see in charge, to participate with them. Just as some parents may need to learn that you can surround a kid with all the best toys, games, or electronic gadgets, but in the end all they really want is a relationship with their parent. When you substitute a TV, video game, books, movies, or toys for your time spent with them, you do a disservice to a child. Time is our most precious commodity because it is in limited supply while here on this earth. Spend it wisely by investing it in other people.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Independence Day

The events of my life over the last few years have left me very dependent on my dad for the majority of the basic necessities of life. This can lend a deafening blow to one's ego as a man. Yet with my new job at the YMCA, I have received a brief bump in income and an odd temptation has arisen. This small taste of self-sufficiency has brought to mind memories of an old life where I worked, paid my bills, and was master of my destiny! Sortof.

This memory of independence tends to lead me to be impatient and seek to do things to "better" my position. Yet in the back of my mind I hear God whisper, "Patience." I have watched over these last few years as God has step by step, piece by piece, and inch by inch reconstruct my life. And so, I must be patient and wise in handling my life and waiting on God to fulfill His purpose in me.

So, as I briefly ponder God's work in my life and look forward to that independence day in the future, I must remind myself that when it comes I truly need to find myself in dependence.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Worthwhile Words

Do people who constantly complain annoy you? Ever meet someone who is never satisfied? I have noticed recently, that I am surrounded by people who complain a lot and are never satisfied. Honestly, that isn't really what bothers me. What I have noticed are the completely innocuous things we complain about. Let me give you some examples of things I hear people complain about or they just do not like: Other people, the way food is prepared, having not enough work to do OR having to actually do work, the weather, etc. I have also noticed that not only are these topics of complaints, but that these are the major topics of ordinary conversation of those around me who complain. In other words, if they aren't complaining, they aren't speaking. Conversation is a lost art. People seem to have nothing to talk about but the things that annoy them (like this post!).

Which leads me to the question: Are our lives so spiritually empty that we have nothing to talk about but complain about things that we cannot change or that do not matter? Do we have so little understanding of the people and world around us that we cannot make an impact at changing the environment around us with a different attitude? There are topics and times of legitimate complaint, do not misunderstand me, but if complain about these things is all you do then you may need to do a little soul searching.

I used to complain a lot more than I do now. With the events of my life over the last few years I have come to understand that I am not in control and that what comes into my life comes from God. Do I accept everything gladly? Absolutely not. I complain, but I usually complain to God. But I must admit a good venting to a friend at times helps!

May I suggest that there are some things worth complaining about. I understand that the chicken not being "brown" enough, or stating that "it's hot" five times in an hour when it's 95 degrees, or lamenting that children do not sit still, be quiet, and behave are life changing events that warrant a great deal of time and thought to express. But may I suggest some other topics of complaint? One topic of complaint that I feel we can discuss with each other and take directly to God is the fact that I (meaning each of us) am not where I need to be spiritually. That is a major topic that should be thought of and dealt with daily. I need my brothers and sisters in Christ to help me walk this path God has laid before me. Hebrews 10:24 tells us to encourage or provoke one another to love and good works. Galatians 6:2 says to bear one another's burdens and help your sibling in Christ. Another topic of complaint could be that I (meaning each of us) struggle with sin. 1 John 1:9 tells us to confess our sins and that God will forgive AND cleanse us from these sins. Maybe another topic could be that I (meaning each of us) do not love God or others enough. I still too often want my way or want things to suit me and no one else. Luke 10:27 tells me to love God with all I have AND to love my neighbor like I love my self. Or maybe complain that I (meaning each of us) do not know scripture well enough. 2 Timothy 2:15 tells me to be diligent to show that I can handle accurately God's word.

These are just some suggestions about things that we can complain about, feel free to edit as you wish. Because Lord knows I don't know what I am talking about! I would be better off just not writing these posts that no one ever reads! I mean, seriously? Why would I waste my time writing this nonsense when no one will read it anyway? I take all this time and effort and thinking (which is difficult for me anyway) and then I link it on Facebook and does anyone read it? NOOOO!! Maybe just the two people that receive it by email. They MIGHT read it, and even then who knows? Last time I posted something I wrote on Facebook I lost two friends anyway! Maybe I should just post all my garbage up on Facebook and lose all my friends! Yeah that's it! I think I will! Who needs friends anyway? I mean, seriously!?! Right? I am gonna stop writing now. I am beginning to annoy myself with all this complaining!