Thursday, May 17, 2012

Practicing His Presence

In Thy presence is fulness of joy Psalm 16:11

Don't we all want joyous lives? Aren't our lives filled with sorrow and pain? Now Joy is not the absence of sorrow and pain, but an underlying peace that endures through them. 

In this Psalm, we find the key to having joy and having it fully. In the presence of God dwells everlasting joy. Have you ever felt that joy that comes from knowing Him? I must say that I have felt it many times. When the presence of God fills my soul, and I feel as though my body cannot take much more of the overwhelming sensation of knowing that my sins are forgiven and I have an eternal place beside the One who loved me; then I know what fulness of joy means. So, I had to ask myself, why do I not seek His presence all the time?

Such is the Human existence. We run from God, the One who truly gives us joy, peace, and comfort; yet seek those same things in a bottle, needle, lover's arms, or a thrill at a risk we take from gambling to bungy jumping. Getting to know God and spending time in His presence is boring to us. Not only that, it requires some effort on our part. It takes time in prayer and study of God's Word. But we are an impatient people, especially in the microwave generation in which we live. There is a reason we talk about people's "fifteen minutes of fame." Because that is as long as it lasts. We, the viewing public, are then ready for the next new thing to come along giving us a new thrill and new sensation. Our society has no clue to the things which matter and which last. Because of this Human condition, we seek immediate thrills in anything but God. God is on His time table and we want Him to be on ours. Why can't God thrill me now so I can move on the next new thrill? Maybe that's why He doesn't. You are not seeking Him, but the thrill that comes from knowing Him.

God came to Earth in the form of a Man: that man's name was Jesus Christ. He came seeking us. he came to die in our place. He came to give us life: new life in Him that reaches far beyond this earthly existence. It seats us in the Heavenly places with Him. But we do not know Him, nor do we seek to know Him. But He came so that we might know Him. If He did all this so that we might know Him, why not take the time to find out what He is all about? We have the record of who He is and what He did, read it!! It's better than Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, or Twilight put together.

1 comment:

  1. So true! And the "church" is suffering as a result! Pastor's and church leaders are scrambling to identify the latest "exciting" ministry tool, only to have to find a new one six months later. Of course Christian resource outlets love it since they have a guaranteed market. Nothing wrong with good books from Christian authors, but they were once considered helps to Biblical studies but now they are often the object of study themselves with their authors becoming celebrities. I'm amused and often saddened when I hear Christians raving about the latest Christian cenematic offering at the theater while engaging them in Biblical study or even conversation is like pulling teeth.


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